Thursday, October 21, 2010

World News

We here in America are feeling the pressure of financial difficulties. Every day comes another story that takes us one step closer to depression. However, not only in the United States is suffering. There are difficulties around the world. News of the world today shows us the difficulties felt throughout the world.Today least 23 people have died after fire engulfed a nursing home in northern Russia. Three people were rescued, while from this article only seven bodies have been found.Thousands Russia protest rallies across the country. Why protest? The Russian government's mismanagement is what has caused these protests. Protesters in Vladivostok are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. China today reported a sharp increase in the number of babies born in that country with birth defects. Fan Jiang member of the National Population and Family Planning Commission says that may be caused by environmental pollution. This statement made by the province's coal-rich Shanxi China has the largest number of babies born with defects. China is now striving to enforce a high level prevention plan.Germany reports that Porsche has reduced its production line due to a fall in demand for its luxury cars. Production will be reduced by 19 days between January 30 and April 2009. This is not only due to falling U.S. Vehicle sales in Germany fell by 26% in sales last year. We have to wait until March to final figures Stuttgart.Sri Lanka fighting has caused an increase in the number of children killed in the last 10 days. This is the report by Unicef. Sri Lanka's government is asking the Tamil Tiger rebels to give priority to the safety of these children nations. President Mahinda Rajapaksa has ruled out a ceasefire, even in light of the evidence that the death of these countries, children are increasing. Recently, scientists from around the world gathered in Monaco and expressed concern about changes in the acidity of ocean planets. The Declaration of Monaco ", warns that the acidity of the oceans is accelerating. Have clear evidence that pH levels are changing 100 times faster than natural variability. It is believed that the problem of C02 are most inhospitable oceans to coral reefs by 2050 if it continues occur.France 's prime minister says that economic problems in Europe if not as they are now to quickly go to a state of crisis in the near future. Prime Minister Christine Lagarde said that the action should be taken by the G20 summit taking place in London in April. She notes that they face two major risks, one is social unrest and the other is protection. She is hoping to be able to restore confidence in systems and in general. Today Saturday, January 31, 2009 there were hundreds of show in Geneva and Davos to protest the World Economic Forum.These are just some of the issues around the world occur in our planet in the last 24 hours. Although our first priority and we need to here in the United States to correct our own countries financial problems must be remembered that after reaching that point, then they must realize that you will need to branch out and reach the other countries of this world. If we as human beings will continue to survive on this planet we have to gather all nations and conquer these financial issues, economic, environmental and humanitarian as group.Source: BBC World News

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